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Patents and Food Laws

From January 2005, India has set up an Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) system in compliance with Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPs). Consequently it now honors product patents, which has brought about a sea change in the thinking in pharma. One is now aware of protection of one’s own rights while taking care not to infringe on established patents and avoid needless litigation. Reading and understanding current patents and filing a new watertight patent is a complex task best left to experts. This is where Pharmawisdom comes in to help protect and guide clients through this quicksand.

The new food laws in India are an amalgamation of many past acts and orders. It is a difficult task to sift various clauses and understand their practical application or to reinterpret a clause during litigation. Our experts provide assistance from the label generation stage through the products lifecycle wherein appropriate changes may have to be made from time to time or issues/litigations handled expeditiously during the sales process.

We Offer:

  • Evaluation of patentability
  • Filing of the patent
  • Defence of patents
  • Generation of foods labels
  • Appearance in courts regarding notices/litigations

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