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Training and Development

Training and development is a lifelong process, more so in the pharma industry where loads of new information is available almost daily. The representative has to be knowledgeable about the products he is promoting. Hence training becomes an integral part of his success strategy. We at Pharmawisdom can tailor make training schedules for companies depending upon their product mix and vision

In the KPO and CRO industry too training is necessary but of a different variety. Some of our experts are experienced in clinical trial management and KPO project management, and can design training programmes as needed by the employees. We have designed customized trainings and workshops for beginner associates in Pharmacovigilance and also advanced programs for experienced associates

Ethics Committees today are required to arrange for regular training of its members as per latest mandate by the Drug Controller. Since these committees have many members who are not medically qualified, training has be given in a different way, often more interactive. Secondly, even the medically qualified members need training in risk evaluation of the study before approval. Our experts have designed courses at both basic level as well as advanced level for getting Ethics Committee members up to speed

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